
Retrocomputer, Heimcomputer und Videospiele der 80er

TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish)

TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) Your Ti-99/4a Joysticks start to behave erratic, do not take inputs at all - do not allow you to fire on those "TI-Invaders" anymore?

Do not despair!

TOM to the rescue :-)

TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) When you open the case (just unscrew the two screws at the bottom) you will see this...

simply take out the "foam-mat" and unplug the thin plastic-layer.

TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) Here is the printed plastik foil removed from the TI-99/4a Joystick.
TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) When you look closer, you will see quit a bit of abrassion, or even missing/broken traces.

the easiest way is to check all signalways with a multimeter in continuity mode.

TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) Also the contacts on the "other" side loose their coating...

Here is a closeup of the firebutton...

TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) And here one of the 4 "direction" contacs.
TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) Use some "Silberleitlack" (silver conductive paint) to repaint the necessary traces.
TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) Repainted foil...

PS: use very small amounts of paint, do not create shorts and let the paint dry good and thoroughly.

TI-99/4a Joystick repair (refurbish) Repainted firebutton...

Put everything back together and start shooting these "Invaders" :-)

Oh no! i'v been hit!!! AHHHHHH!

Autor: Thomas Gutmeier